- Matthew's Question_01@1@
- 11枝轉運竹有什麼意思
- 請建議09年3月17至21日台灣環島遊吃喝玩樂及費用,@1@
- [急]詹瑞文@萬世歌王08版疑似好睇演唱會@1@
- 835天與時並進:IN NO HURRY 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?@1@
- Matthew's Question_01@1@
- 11枝轉運竹有什麼意思
- 請建議09年3月17至21日台灣環島遊吃喝玩樂及費用,@1@
- [急]詹瑞文@萬世歌王08版疑似好睇演唱會@1@
- 835天與時並進:IN NO HURRY 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?@1@
07 econ mc no.11
11. The imposition of a per unit sales tax on a good will reduce its equilibrium quantity if...A. the demand is inelasticB. the demand is elasticC. the demand is unitarily elasticD. All of the above are correct點解ans 係 d如果就咁看問題 答案係d 係因為一加價 d人買野就會買少d ( 除左perfeclty)但係 如果畫返個圖出來答案唔係應該 a 咩a... 顯示更多 11. The imposition of a per unit sales tax on a good will reduce its equilibrium quantity if... A. the demand is inelastic B. the demand is elastic C. the demand is unitarily elastic D. All of the above are correct 點解ans 係 d 如果就咁看問題 答案係d 係因為 一加價 d人買野就會買少d ( 除左perfeclty) 但係 如果畫返個圖出來 答案唔係應該 a 咩 a 係減左 b 果個我唔識畫 (如果可以教埋就最好) c unitarily elastic 係 笑果個圖 +同-唔係都冇變個 E 咩
a個條curve你識的話,咁b個條咪只係比a平D lor c個條可以畫條downward sloping ge直線,亦可以係弧形ge線(downward sloping) 你畫晒出黎就知係D架啦。 3條都向下,supply shift left,Q一定減啦
11. The imposition of a per unit sales tax on a good will reduce its equilibrium quantity if... A. the demand is inelastic B. the demand is elastic C. the demand is unitarily elastic D. All of the above are correct Answer = D 除非需求曲線係垂直(perfectly inelastic), 否則的話, per UNITsales tax會令supply curve 向上移, 由於以上三個情況的demand curve係downward sloping, supply curve 沿住demand curve向上移的話, equilibrium quantity會下跌 leo sir http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/leoleekh