What makes to be a hero?
What makes to be a hero? Can anybody help me? 20points for the best answer
In fact, anyone can be a hero - even you! What is a hero? Some people think a hero is a person that helps others in some way. You don't have to have a hero-type job like being Superman or a police officer. Heroes are not always people who are strong and well known. You don't have to wear a fancy suit or fight a super villain or stop a meteor. Heroes are people that help a person or a community. Most heroes have strong minds and are committed to what they are doing. Heroes may play a big role in being a hero or the may play a smaller role. It doesn't matter if you do something big or small. It just matters that you did it! Sometimes you can be a hero just by helping someone carry their books to the library or helping a person with a math problem. You're a hero to them. 2008-05-20 16:32:35 補充: A hero is anyone or anything of distinguished courage or ability. A hero is one who is admired for brave deeds and noble qualities. Another type of hero is one who does not think of himself too much and helps the needy. A hero is one who lends a helping hand.
Heros are those who sacrifice themselves to help or save people. In Sze Chuan Earthquake: 1. Mother use her body to protect 3-months-old baby from falling debris. Mother's body was smashed but baby was saved without any injury. 2. Teacher also use his body to protect 4 students from falling debris. He died but 4 students' lives are saved. 3. Life-saving teams and doctors work more than 3 days continuously without sleep to save as much lives as possible.