

how to write a draft


please help me ,how to write a draft





Chinese: 怎樣撰寫閱讀報告 1.書 書是最忠誠、最親密的朋友,好書,不祇能給我們知識和經驗,也能潔淨我們的心靈,啟發我們的智慧,並且能引導我們超越時空,和古今中外智者聚談。 2.書寫閱讀報告的五個理由 2.1 你覺得這本書太好了,你想介紹給更多的朋友知道。 2.2 你覺得這本書太壞了,你想對它有所批評。 2.3 你覺得自己跟作者有許多不同的看法,想跟他辯難。 2.4 你覺得讀後有許多發現,可能是別人不曾知道或領悟的,你要公諸同好。 2.5 你覺得寫了讀書報告,有助於你更深入地了解一本書,能從中獲取更大的得益。 3.閱讀報告其中兩個形式 3.1 書介 — 將書籍內容概要作介紹 3.2 書評 — 將書籍內容分析及評論,範圍可包括 3.2.1喜愛的人物 3.2.2 故事的教訓 3.2.3 內容撮要 3.2.4 讀後感想 4. 怎樣寫閱讀報告? 閱讀報告應該是一篇容許自由創作、發揮個人理解、意見的文章。但因為閱讀報告是一份看「書」後的「報告」,不是一篇純創作的散文,所以必須貼著與書本有關的體會來寫,是首要的大前提。只要沒有背離這個大前提,閱讀報告的規則,就是沒有規則。只要開放心靈,把你的閱讀感受、分析理解寫下來,就是一篇最好的閱讀報告。 4.1 讀後感 寫讀後感的方式卻是種種式式,沒有任何規範。可以寫成很抒情的散文,很尖銳的評論,很精闢的分析,很周詳的比較……要看書的性質,也要看你感想的性質。 4.2 讚與彈 初學會寫閱讀報告,大多拜倒在作品之前,大大誇獎一番。可是讚與彈都需要見地,公式化的讚美之詞:內容豐富,描寫細膩,刻劃入微,感人肺腑,文筆清麗……全是廢話。讚要讚到作品的節骨眼上,最好是這本書獨有的、最突出的優點。 彈當然比讚更難,因為寫閱讀報告的人學養往往遜於作者,要能指出一本書的缺點,而又能言之成理,使人信服,實在並非易事。但不容易並不表示不可以這樣做,如果做得到,這篇閱讀報告會更容易受到欣賞。 4.3 點和面 閱讀報告可以對一本書全面論述,全面的結果很容易流於浮面,樣樣都談到了,卻都是泛泛之論,倒不如抓住你最有感受、最有心得的幾點來談。因為你談得集中、深入,自然能給讀者比較深刻的印象。 4.4 不要引用太多 好的閱讀報告應以寫報告人自己的意見為主要內容,原文可以作為舉例加以引述,但不宜太多。引述其他人對這本書的看法也要適可而止,不要連篇累牘的抄,否則寫閱讀報告的只是一個人云亦云的抄錄者。 English: Read the passage carefully. Determine its structure. Identify the author's purpose in writing. (This will help you to distinguish between more important and less important information.) Reread, label, and underline. This time divide the passage into sections or stages of thought. The author's use of paragraphing will often be a useful guide. Label, on the passage itself, each section or stage of thought. Underline key ideas and terms. Write one-sentence summaries, on a separate sheet of paper, of each stage of thought. 2014-10-23 19:22:19 補充: Write a thesis--a one-sentence summary of the entire passage. The thesis should express the central idea of the passage, as you have determined it from the preceding steps. You may find it useful to keep in mind the information contained in the lead sentence or paragraph of most newspaper stories


How to write a draft? It is a rough written version of some title that is not yet in its final form:-eg:-I have made/written a rough draft of a speech.This is only the first draft of my oral- presentation about my speech. Don't write the final draft meaning the final version because the final=is still in the draft version form.You've agree how to treat it ,agree with it already !The draft or final version is in here already ! How to write a draft? eg:-(1)Introduction:- Good afternoon.My speech today is to talk about draft.... (2)Explaining structure:- In my speech I shall discuss the main features of a draft.... (3)Introducing each point:- The first/second/third/next=next/last draft I would like to discuss is the 6 main points=six sentences. (4)Clarifying:- In other words,audience may try memorise my six power points.... (5)Changing the subject:- Moving on to the next/second/next=next/last description on switching to a compo.... (6)Concluding:- To sum up in my speech I have switched from draft to a compo..Its a change from one thing to another when this is 6 sudden and complete copying. A switch of priorities from 6--->5 when making your speech more policy-meaningful !Thanks for your time and attention.The printed version is distributing now. 2014-10-24 09:32:07 補充: Intro--->Body--->6 sec.of thought---6 para of ideas; central idea-----check each stage of thought------>All the 6 info.connected,I've come to the conclusion.I can safely draw some conclusion from the 6 discussions to its logical conclusion.|||||DRAFT﹖DRAFT即是初稿,是但寫,求其寫,唔使規矩。

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