


1)In a certain game,the probability that Peter will win is 0.2.If he plays the game 3 times, find the probability that he will win at most once.2)A family has four children.Find the probability that the family has only one girl given that at most two of the children are boy.3)A fair coin is tossed... 顯示更多 1)In a certain game,the probability that Peter will win is 0.2.If he plays the game 3 times, find the probability that he will win at most once. 2)A family has four children.Find the probability that the family has only one girl given that at most two of the children are boy. 3)A fair coin is tossed three times.Given that the second toss is a head,find the probability that at least once of the outcomes is a tail. 分唔清at most 同 at least 點計 係點諗既呢? 可以教下嗎=] thx 更新: 感謝你的教導,,但第一條的ans係0.896... ><"點解at most win once 要計埋..p(0) ...佢唔係已經at most win once? 定係本書既ans錯=_=....?


1)In a certain game,the probability that Peter will win is 0.2.If he plays the game 3 times, find the probability that he will win at most once. the probability that he will win at most once =P(0)+P(1) =(1-0.2)^3+(0.2)(1-0.2)^2 =0.64 2)A family has four children.Find the probability that the family has only one girl given that at most two of the children are boy. the probability is 0. Since if at most two of the children are boy,then at least two of the children are girls!! 3)A fair coin is tossed three times.Given that the second toss is a head,find the probability that at least once of the outcomes is a tail. The possible outcomes are HHH,HHT,THH,THT So the probability that at least once of the outcomes is a tail =3/4 2009-01-23 00:40:47 補充: 分唔清at most 同 at least 點計 係點諗既呢? AT MOST 最多 AT LEAST 最少 AT MOST ONCE 即0或1次 AT LEAST TWO 即2次或以上﹐當然若試了五次﹐則是2-5次 2009-01-24 03:06:06 補充: I SEE﹐因為COUNT漏 the probability that he will win at most once =P(0)+P(1) =(1-0.2)^3+3(0.2)(1-0.2)^2 =0.896 2009-01-24 03:07:26 補充: 朋友﹐例如張COUPON說最多任食5次﹐那你可以不去食架MA




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