想買相機 CANON 同 CASIO邊隻好??
我考慮左呢個問題好耐 諗緊買CANON IXUS 100 IS定CASIO Exilim Zoom EX-Z400好! d人又話CANON好用耐用,但100廣角得35mm"個mon得果2.5吋"但我中意佢夠細部,個款唔錯,and canon影相既質素又好d! 但我又中意Z400有美顏模式同個MON夠大,個款又幾令! 真係好難選擇!! 請問大家有d咩意見ar?我應該簡邊部好?!比d意見我ar plz>
It's true that spec-wise the Casio is a bit better than the Canon. Larger screen, more programmed shooting modes, Make-up Mode (which is actually rubbish gimmick, something you can achieve in Photoshop), wider lens zoom range, and more importantly, a live (real-time) histogram which the Canon does NOT have (only in playback mode). Plus the Casio is a bit more user-friendly than the Canon. But in terms of picture quality, Casio is not match to Canon. So tt really depends on what you value most. Both models have their pros and cons. If you want convenience and user-friendliness then choose the Casio. If you want relatively better picture quality then choose the Canon. Note that both models are based on the current 1/2.3" 12MP sensor. Don't expect to get much much image quality from it anyway. Sample images from both cameras can be found here: http://dc.casio.jp/product/exilim/ex_z400/gallery.html http://cweb.canon.jp/camera/ixyd/210is/image-sample.html If in doubt, reading the instruction manuals would also be helpful: http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/4/0300002064/01/PSSD780IS_IXUS100IS_CUG_EN.pdf http://support.casio.com/pdf/001/EXZ400_M10_FC_090317_E.pdf Hope that helps.
到處給人普評負評反對票是因為遭受了不平等待遇呀? 但是我沒得罪您, 請不要再找我出氣了好嗎? 我今天評價用完了沒有辦法送您正評,謝謝您|||||我覺得z400會好d因為casio的機多d野玩~ 例如佢的拍片功能比canon的強得多, 仲有就係dc仔的拍攝功能其實不相上下, 所以canon同埋casio的唔會差太遠~ 最後就係z400個mon大d點都好過細d啦~~ 所以我覺得z400會好一點~