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For example, Liaw and coworkers showed that patients with normal ALT levels did not have HBeAg seroconversion,whereas seroconversion occurred in 23% and 80% of patients with ALT levels 2 to 5 times and 5 times the upper limit of normal,respectively. This finding was confirmed in at least two other studies showing... 顯示更多 For example, Liaw and coworkers showed that patients with normal ALT levels did not have HBeAg seroconversion,whereas seroconversion occurred in 23% and 80% of patients with ALT levels 2 to 5 times and 5 times the upper limit of normal,respectively. This finding was confirmed in at least two other studies showing 1-year HBeAg seroconevrsion rates occurring in 4%,15%,26% to 28%, and 56% to 64% of patients with pretreatment ALT levels within normal,one to two times normal limits, two to five times normal, and more than five times normal, respectively.Both Asians and whites have similar rates of HBeAg seroconversion at comparable ALT levels.In addition to pretreatment ALT level,histologic activity index score and body mass index have been identified as important predictors of HBeAg seroconversion during lamivudine therapy. In another study by Liaw and coworkers,436 HBV DNA-positive patients with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis were given continuous lamivudie treatment over a median of 32.4 months (0-42 months). Clinical progression of disease was delayed by reducing the incidence of hepatic decompensation as seen by an increase in the Child-Pugh score (3.4 in the treated group versus 8.8% in those given a placebo;P = .20) and a decreased risk of HCC (3.9% for the lamivudine group versus 7.4% in the placebo group). YMDD mutations developed in 49% of the treated patients (versus 5% of the untreated group) and this was more likely to be associated with an increase in the Child-Pugh score. Indeed, 8 of 10 patients who died after reaching a clinical end point had evidence of YMDD mutation while receiving lamivudine 我是要翻譯成很通順的國語~ 我不要用翻譯軟體喔!! 拜託了>
例如, 利奧和同事顯示有正常的alt 水準的病患沒有HBeAg seroconversion, 鑑於seroconversion有alt第2到5步次和正常上限的5倍在23% 和個別的在80%的病患裡發生。 這發現被在至少兩項其他研究顯示1 年的HBeAg seroconevrsion 比率在4%,15%,26%到28%裡發生確認, 以及在正常內的56%到64%的有pretreatment alt 水準的病患, 1 到2 次正常的限制, 2 到5 次正常, 以及超過5 次正常, respectively.Both亞洲人和懷特在可比較的alt pretreatment alt 水準的levels.In 增加有HBeAg seroconversion的相似的比率, histologic 活動索引痕跡和身體質量指數在lamivudine治療期間已經被鑑定為HBeAg seroconversion的重要的預言者。 在另一項利奧和同事研究, 436 HBV DNA 原級病患與先進纖維變性或者肝硬變一起給連續lamivudie 處理越過一中間的32.4 月(0-42個月) .疾病的臨床的前進被耽誤透過 降低肝decompensation的發生而以一看見的增加孩子皮尤得分(3.4在治療的組與8.8%內在給一粒安慰劑的那些方面; P = . 20) 以及HCC(在安慰劑組內的lamivudine 組與7.4%的3.9%)的減少的危險 . YMDD變化在被治療的病患(與未處理的組的5%)的49%方面發展 並且這很可能與孩子皮尤得分的增加有關。的確,在到達一臨床終點有YMDD變化在得到lamivudine時的證據之後的誰死的10 病患8.
例如, 利5FAD1C75CFAE8A5F