The University of Sydney入讀要求
我依家讀緊中四,15歲 我想會考之後去澳洲留學 我會考之後大約17,18歲 18歲可以入讀咩野好d既highschool(分數上有咩要求) 幾耐先可以係The University of Sydney度讀(有咩要求) 我有親戚係sydney. 如果唔洗住宿費 生活費+學費要幾多錢到?
The University of Sydney的基本資料: General international qualifications: Hong Kong - Completion of at least three 'Hong Kong Advanced Level' subjects in one academic year. IELTS: ACADEMIC OVERALL: 6.5 (↑以上數據是最基本的要求, 視乎您想讀那些學系而有所改變 - 大多在7-7.5之間) (其他學系如牙科/護士/藥劑等另外有相應要求) 如果想會考後直接到澳洲預備升讀大學, 就需要先讀FOUNDATION PROGRAM - 該校有設立COLLEGE。 (約80%能升讀該大學) 提供的課程: a 40-week Standard Program commencing in February and July. a 30-week Standard Intensive Program commencing in April and October. a 59-week Extended Program commencing in February and August. 價錢: (FOUNDATION COURSE) English language A$425 per week 學費: A$19000-28000 (視乎入讀月份) 除學費外的其他洗費: Enrolment fee An enrolment fee of A$200 will be charged. Stationery and textbooks :Allow approximately A$300 - A$500. Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC) OSHC currently costs A$342 for one year for a single student. Living costs (有親戚可以不看這項) - approximately A$16,000. FOUNDATION COURSE入學要求: Hong Kong - HKCEE 報讀方法: http://www.usyd.edu.au/fstudent/international/undergrad/apply/foundation/apply_how.shtml Student Enrolment Advisor Taylors College 399 Lonsdale Street Melbourne 3000 Australia Fax: +61 3 96703567
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