Hong Kong has what taxes (in english)
Hong Kong has what taxes (in english)
Type of tax 2003-04 ($m) 2004-05 ($m) 2005-06 ($m) Profit Tax - Corporation 43,666.3 52,562.2 65,586.1 Profit Tax - Unincorporated Businesses 5,103.7 6,077.5 4,210.4 Total Profits Tax 48,770.0 58,639.7 69,796.5 Salaries Tax 27,976.9* 33,990.5 37,493.9 Property Tax 983.0 1,115.6 1,267.1 Personal Assessment 2,744.4* 2,963.4 3,193.9 Total Earnings and Profits Tax 80,474.3 96,709.2 111,751.4 Estate Duty 1,455.3 1,468.4 1,675.7 Stamp Duty 11,245.4 15,851.4 17,867.2 Betting Duty 11,635.9 12,057.2 11,938.1 Business Registration Fees 1,233.3 1,348.7 1,478.8 Hotel Accommodation Tax 155.6 247.4 310.0 Total revenue collected 106,199.8 127,682.3 145,021.2 % change over previous year +14.0% +20.2% +13.6%
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Type of tax 1.Profit Tax - Corporation---利 得 稅 - 法 團 2.Profit Tax - Unincorporated Businesses---利 得 稅 - 非 法 團 業 務 3.Salaries Tax---薪 俸 稅 4.Property Tax---物 業 稅 5.Personal Assessment---個 人 入 息 課 稅 6.Estate Duty---遺 產 稅 7.Stamp Duty---印 花 稅 8.Betting Duty---博 彩 稅 9.Business Registration Fees---商 業 登 記 費 10.Hotel Accommodation Tax---酒 店 房 租 稅5FAD1C75A5AA61DA