In an RL series AC circuit, R=100 ohms, L=50 mH. The supply voltage through the resistor obeys the equation v(t)=311 sin314t volts.Calculate:(a)the frequency of the AC voltage.(b)the rms voltage of the supply voltage.(c)the reactance of the circuit.(d)the impedance of the circuit.(e)the circuit current.(f)the... 顯示更多 In an RL series AC circuit, R=100 ohms, L=50 mH. The supply voltage through the resistor obeys the equation v(t)=311 sin314t volts.Calculate: (a)the frequency of the AC voltage. (b)the rms voltage of the supply voltage. (c)the reactance of the circuit. (d)the impedance of the circuit. (e)the circuit current. (f)the peak current. (g)the rms power delivered to the circuit. 有冇人識做,thx
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In an RL series AC circuit, R=100 ohms, L=50 mH. The supply voltage through the resistor obeys the equation v(t)=311 sin314t volts.Calculate: (a)the frequency of the AC voltage. ω = 314 f = ω / 2π = 314 / 2π = 50Hz (b)the rms voltage of the supply voltage. Vrms = Vo / √2 = 311 / √2 = 220v (c)the reactance of the circuit. XL = ωL = 314x50x10-3 = 15.7Ω (d)the impedance of the circuit. Z = √(1002 + 15.72) = 101.2Ω (e)the circuit current. Irms = Vrms / X = 220 / 101.2 = 2.17A (f)the peak current. Io = Irms√2 = 2.17√2 = 3.07A (g)the rms power delivered to the circuit. P = Irms2 R = 2.172 x 100 = 471W