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Dear xxx: good day ! 關於新產品tx123的頻率設定方法是如何設定的呢? 儲存在哪一個暫存器?是否跟tx456的設定方法一樣使用[123+456]的公式? 這些資訊沒有在tx123的spec上面. 我還需要tx123的軟體.包含其他設計製造的資料. 謝謝!
Dear xxx: Good day! Would you please advise the set up of the new product tx123. Which temp storage that we should use? Should we use the same formula [123+456] like the way we set up tx456? Would you please kindly provide the information because this information is not on tx123 specs. I also need the software of tx123 which include other information of design and manufacture. Thank you very much, 不好意思! 我加了一些話, 這樣比較禮貌, 而且對方會比較願意給你你想要的東東. 而不會覺你在強人所難.製造他的麻煩.
Is establish how about does the new product tx123 frequency hypothesismethod? Which temporary storage device stores up in? Whether with tx456hypothesis method same use [ 1.23+456 million ] formula? These information not above tx123 spec I also need tx123 the software Contains other design manufactures thematerial Thanks!|||||Please advise how I can set the frequency formula in regards of new product, tx123. which temp file should I store it? Is it the same formula, [123+456], that was used at tx456? All these infos are not stated on the spec. of tx123. I still need the software of tx123 which includes other producing designs. Thank you!5FAD1C75A5AA61DA