



Available data provide less support for cystoscopy in women with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria than in men. No cases of bladder cancer were found in one prospective, referral-based study involving 177 women (mean age, 57.2 years) with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria who underwent cystoscopy.In another... 顯示更多 Available data provide less support for cystoscopy in women with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria than in men. No cases of bladder cancer were found in one prospective, referral-based study involving 177 women (mean age, 57.2 years) with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria who underwent cystoscopy. In another referral-based study,involving 1034 adults (75 percent of whom were female),only two cases of bladder cancer were identified in women with microscopic hematuria (one 54 years old and the other 70 years old). In contrast,in a referral-based study involving 484 women with microscopic hematuria, 12 cases of urologic cancer were identified in women between 60 and 89 years of age, and 5 cases were found in women between 40 and 59 years of age. The specific types of cancer and the number of diagnoses made with cystoscopy were unclear. Cytologic analysis of voided urine is less sensitive(66 percent and 79 percent in two large series) than cystoscopy in the detection of bladder cancer but has high specificity (95 percent and 100 percent in the two series). The sensitivity is improved if specimens of urine from the first voiding in the morning on three consecutive days are obtained. The sensitivity is higher for the detection of highgrade bladder cancer and carcinoma in situ but lower for the detection of cancers of low histologic grade, and cytologic analysis is insensitive for the detection of renal-cell cancer. Cystoscopy itself had 87 percent sensitivity for the detection of bladder cancer in one large series and is especially limited for the diagnosis of carcinoma in situ. Urinary molecular markers for the noninvasive detection of bladder cancer are currently being evaluated but have not yet been validated.




目前較有效的資料並不太支持有顯微性血尿而沒有症狀的女性去作膀胱鏡檢查,在一個參考的研究中,177個有顯微性血尿而接受膀胱鏡檢查的女性(平均年齡57.2歲)中,沒有任何一個病例有發現膀胱癌的存在。 在另外一個有1034個成人受檢(75%為女性)的研究中,有顯微性血尿的女性只有2例篩檢出膀胱癌(一個54歲,另一個為70歲)。 相反的,在一個以484位有顯微性血尿的女性做調查的研究中,檢查出12個有泌尿道癌症的病例(年齡範圍在60到89歲之間),還有5個病例是在40到59歲之間被發現,這些特殊的癌症型態和利用膀胱鏡被診斷出來的病例數之間的關係並不清楚。(就是什麼癌症可以被膀胱鏡篩檢出來→不知道…) 尿液的細胞學分析相較於膀胱鏡檢而言,要檢查出膀胱癌是比較不敏感的(在兩個大型研究的數據中分別是66%和79%),但是它卻有比較高的特異性(在兩個大型研究的數據中分別是95%和100%),如果檢查的樣本是連續三天晨起收集的第一泡尿,則尿液細胞學分析檢查的敏感度可以提高。 這個檢查的敏感度在偵測高度惡性的膀胱癌和原位癌(就是沒有穿破基底膜的癌症)時特別高,但是對於低組織分化的癌症則敏感度不高,而且細胞學分析對於偵測腎細胞癌也不敏感,在一個大型研究中,膀胱鏡對偵測膀胱癌有87%的敏感度,尤其是對原位癌的診斷而言。 尿液分子標記是一種非侵襲性的檢查,最近被用來評估膀胱癌的可能性,但尚未通過用來正式篩檢使用。 怕又被刪掉,趕快翻趕快翻~~~^^


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