maths problem try to solve it
Here's a "right pyramid" .ABCD are square and VNA are 90 degrees.If VA=10cm and ABCD area=72cm(square)Fine a) CA lenghb) VN lenghc) this right pyramis voleumAns: A) 12cm B) 8cm C)192 cm(cube)Three bowls ABC put together.IF A diameter's 15 cm, B 18 cm , C 24 cm and A depth 5 cm... 顯示更多 Here's a "right pyramid" .ABCD are square and VNA are 90 degrees. If VA=10cm and ABCD area=72cm(square) Fine a) CA lengh b) VN lengh c) this right pyramis voleum Ans: A) 12cm B) 8cm C)192 cm(cube) Three bowls ABC put together.IF A diameter's 15 cm, B 18 cm , C 24 cm and A depth 5 cm and voleum's 250 cm(cube). Fine a) B and C depth b) B and C voleum Ans. a) B : 6 cm, C : 8 cm a) B : 432 cm(cube) ,C : 1024 cm(cube)
workings and answers are shown inside the below links... http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp124/mr_gary_cheung/P1000071.jpg http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp124/mr_gary_cheung/P1000073.jpg
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