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讀護理的大大們有誰看的懂下面那段病史嗎可以幫我翻譯中文嗎?麻煩了~謝謝你唷!this 64 y/o man had history of cholecystitis which wastold at Tong-Shi farmer hospital.He suffered from RUQ epigastric pain for about 2 weeks. eps post-prandial. He came to our OPD and refer to ER for survey. PE: no fever(35.8 degree C).nausea but no vomiting, negative... 顯示更多 讀護理的大大們 有誰看的懂下面那段病史嗎 可以幫我翻譯中文嗎? 麻煩了~謝謝你唷! this 64 y/o man had history of cholecystitis which wastold at Tong-Shi farmer hospital.He suffered from RUQ epigastric pain for about 2 weeks. eps post-prandial. He came to our OPD and refer to ER for survey. PE: no fever(35.8 degree C).nausea but no vomiting, negative Murphy's sign. Mild tenderness over A2, Labs: Bil-T/D:1.3/0.6 and Alk-p:481. Abdominal CT was done and showedaA small stone at distal 1/3 of CBD. Abdominal sonogram showed GBS with mild wall thickening. GBS and CBD stone with acute cholangitis was impressed. Surgical inter vention is indicated.
This 64 y/o man had history of cholecystitis which was told at Tong-Shi farmer hospital.此64歲男性曾由東勢(鎮農會附設)農民醫院告知有膽囊炎 He suffered from RUQ(right upper quadrant ) epigastric pain for about 2 weeks. eps post-prandial. 他有右上象限上腹痛(尤其在用餐後)的情形約2週 He came to our OPD and refer to ER for survey. 因此至本院門診後轉至急診檢查 PE: no fever(35.8 degree C).nausea but no vomiting, negative Murphy's sign. 理學檢查:無發燒(35.8度C),有反胃但無嘔吐,無莫菲氏病徵(深呼吸時會使得右側鎖骨中線或更外側近肝臟下緣之壓痛加重,臨床上是診斷病人患有急性膽囊炎的一個重要病徵) Mild tenderness over A2腹部第二區(上腹區/Epigastriumm/用腹部九區法9-region scheme劃分)有輕微壓痛感 Labs: Bil-T/D:1.3/0.6 and Alk-p:481. 實驗室檢查: 總膽紅素/直接膽紅素:1.3/6,鹼性磷酸酶481 Abdominal CT was done and showed a small stone at distal 1/3 of CBD. 腹部電腦斷層已完成並顯示在總膽管遠端1/3段有一小結石 Abdominal sonogram showed GBS(Gall bladder stone) with mild wall thickening.腹部超音波顯示有膽囊結石及輕微膽囊壁增厚 GBS and CBD stone with acute cholangitis was impressed.被認為有膽囊結石、總膽管結石之急性膽管炎 Surgical intervention is indicated.建議手術治療
這64個是/ ?男子歷史膽囊炎其中wastold ,塘石hospital.He農民遭受RUQ上腹疼痛約2週。每股收益後的膳食。他來到我們的門診和急診提到的調查。體育:沒有發燒( 35.8攝氏度) 。噁心,但沒有嘔吐,負墨菲的跡象。輕度觸痛了酶A2 ,實驗室:膽紅素,滌/ D組: 1.3/0.6和鹼一p : 481 。腹部CT是做showedaA小石頭遠端1 / 3的生物多樣性。腹部超音波顯示GBS輕度壁增厚。 GBS和生物多樣性公約結石急性膽管炎留下了深刻的印象。手術間發明的說明8410E5B82AE3BBEE