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Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, with 17,508 islands, of which nearly 6,000 are inhabited. Most people live on the five largest islands in the archipelago. The islands are mountainous and Indonesia has numerous volcanoes. Frequent earthquakes strike Indonesia, but the volcanic ash helps... 顯示更多 Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, with 17,508 islands, of which nearly 6,000 are inhabited. Most people live on the five largest islands in the archipelago. The islands are mountainous and Indonesia has numerous volcanoes. Frequent earthquakes strike Indonesia, but the volcanic ash helps make the soil rich for crops. 以下為其中譯: 印尼是世界上最大的群島國家,共有一萬七千五百零八個島嶼,當中約有六千個無人島,多數人居住在群島中的五大島嶼上,島上多山脈,且火山數量多,因此地震頻傳,但火山灰讓土壤肥沃,適合栽種作物。 1.其''約有六千個無人島''是否有誤?''inhabited''應是指有人居住的 2.句中的''of which''若替換成''whose''是否不妥? 出處: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2007/03/31/2003354746 更新: Adam大大,若我寫成: Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state,and nearly 6,000 out of 17,508 islands are inhabited. 是否可以?
1. inhabited 的確是指"有人居住",該句英文為誤譯。 2. of which 當然不可以以"whose"代換,理由如下: 這一句話將之拆解成兩句的話會是: Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, with 17,508 islands. Of the 17,508 islands, nearly 6000 are inhabited. OR: Among the 17,508 islands, nearly 6000 are inhabited. OR: Nearly 6000 of/among the 17,508 islands are inhabited. 由各句的代換來看,of which 並非所有格的概念(你無法將17,508 islands 寫成 their,然後再加上 (their) nearly 6000,就像你不能以fifty people's ten 或 their ten 來表達 50人中的10人,而應該說 ten of the 50 people 或 ten among them),而是全體(17508的總數)及部分(當中的6000)的概念,故不等於 whose;此外,of which 是指數量上的概念,用 where 似乎也不太恰當,故我個人認為是不太好: (X)In my class, there are 50 students, where 20 are girls. (該句應為錯誤的寫法) (O)In my class, there are 50 students, among/of which 20 are girls. 要用 where 的話應該是: In my class, where there are 50 students, 20 are girls. 以 class 來當範圍,用 where 才恰當。 不過由最後一句代換可知,原形容詞子句也可以寫成: Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, with 17,508 islands, nearly 6,000 of/among which are inhabited. 只是這種寫法不如原句常見就是了。 2007-03-31 17:45:45 補充: 加個 it's 吧: Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, and nearly 6,000 out of ((IT'S)) 17,508 islands are inhabited. 2007-04-01 14:07:14 補充: jacky你的前提是 of which 中的關代 which 指的是 Indonesia,所以 of which 就是指 Indonesia's ,寫在形容詞子句裡也是就是 whose. 可是我所認為的是 which 所指的是 17,508 islands,畢竟先行詞不會寫在主詞的位置,然後形容詞子句卻是寫在受詞的後面,這違反了形容詞子句的結構。 你要說 which 所表示的是 state 我還可以接受,Indonesia 就萬萬不可了。 2007-04-01 14:13:10 補充: 我沒有否認 of which 可以有等於 whose 的情況,但如我回答中所述,兩者相等的時候是屬於所有格的關係才可以互換。 這句話不是這種情況,我也舉了例子來說明,表示數量的幾分之幾或當中的多少,也就是先行詞是的數量的時候,是不適合用 whose 的. Mr. Wang has five sons, two of whom are still single. 上句寫成 Mr. Wang has five sons, whose two (sons) are still singe 肯定是不可以的. 2007-04-01 14:44:15 補充: 此外,Jacky 大 where 的部分我還是存疑啦,至少就我個人來說,我是不會這樣寫的。 不管怎樣,還是謝謝您寶貴的意見,還有你所提供的網站,相當不錯,可以推薦給其他對英文有興趣的人學習。
那一句簡單的說...是不定代名詞用法... Nearly 6000 of the 17508 islands are inhabited. 句子前半部的17508 islands便為nearly...的先行詞=>物 17508 islands, nearly 6000 of which are inhabited. 關代要緊跟著先行詞...所以改為 17508 islands, of which nearly 6000 are inhabited. 2007-04-11 23:13:33 補充: 所以...此處跟whose或where是搭不上邊的|||||個人依閱讀經驗的判斷與Adam大師相同;由於句型關係,「此句中」的 of which 指的是 17,508 islands,意思是說共17,508個島嶼中有6,000個島嶼有人居住。 如果句中沒有 with 17,508 islands 這一部分,那麼改用 where 是可行的,因為去掉那一段後再改用where指的便是 Indonesia 整體。 2007-04-06 09:54:31 補充: 換句話說,在有 with 17,508 islands 這一段的上下文來說,英文表達的意思可以如此解釋: 6,000 out of 17,508 islands are inhabited → 語意表達正確 若保留 with 17,508 islands 這一段、並同時將 of which 改為 where,那麼意思就變成: 6,000 out of Indonesia are inhibited → 這樣就不make sense了。 哪裡能不能使用何種句型還是得依句子、視情況而定。|||||Hi,Jacky大大,你說的改寫是指寫成此句嗎? *Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, with 17,508 islands,"whose 6000 islands are populated."|||||to adam: "whose" is definitely improper but i think "where" is still suitable here. "where" refers to "the world's largest archipelagic state, with 17,508 islands" 2007-04-01 03:25:51 補充: also, u can rephrase the "whose" clause as follows to make it work: "whose 6000 islands are populated" plz take a look at the website underneath and "whose" refers to indonesia here. http://www.cjr.org/tools/lc/whose.asp 2007-04-02 15:04:20 補充: to kenny: yeah...but i think it does look a bit awkward..mm to adam: maybe u r right about "whose", but i still think "where" sounds ok :)8410E5B82AE3BBEE